Tuesday 14 July 2015

When it starts hurting more…

When it starts hurting more…

Most of the time, we bear a situation to the point it starts hurting even more and we become so overwhelmed that we let go of all that we conquered for so long.

Thinking about sacrifice, which one is the greatest of all? The one we cannot forget?

Well, it is the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus did for us, our Savior, who died on a cross so that we could be forgiven and saved.  But have you ever thought what could have happened should Jesus have given up when the moment came when it started hurting more?

Just the thought of it brings me great fear because we would not have the right to salvation…

Now, just picture this…There He is, our Lord Jesus, crucified and in the middle of His sacrifice, suddenly, when He is almost there, the pain gets stronger…What if He had asked the Father to end all that and to abort the mission? All that He had done on earth would have been in vain. All would be lost because a mission can only be a success or a failure. And if it’s not a success then the failure doubles!

We must bring this example to our own life. It is when it’s hurting the most that we should lift up our heads and go on! Because it is He who confirms in His word that He does not give us more than what we can cope with. Therefore, when the pain gets stronger, and if we give up, we will be throwing out the window all that we have already conquered!

And even if more and more situations come our way that makes it look like our fights are even greater, we must persevere, because if our Savior came to this world in form of a man, it was to show us that if we have the Spirit of God, although being “mere humans” we will be victorious!!!!

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Jesus Can't Be Bribed


"Judas, you betray the Son of Man with a kiss...?" (Luke 22:48)

This is still happening today. People sinning and trying to cover the sin with a good deed. Dear friend, God is not dumb I tell you, He's the one who created you after all, now why else would you think you can outsmart Him??? Learn from others, Judas tried betraying Jesus and he failed, if you still remember what happened you'd know that he ended up regretting, he even wanted to give back the silver coins but it was too late for that. Does that say a thing to you???

YOU CAN NEVER BRIBE GOD. I find it very difficult why we always do this: when we want something then we know very well that Jesus knows our thoughts, but funny enough when we want to cheat Him we forget all that and just to put a cherry on top, we even go another mile of trying to bribe Him.

Watch out, Jesus is not dumb and unlike Judas, you still have a chance to return the silver coins and get your Jesus back!

May God Bless You Abundantly!

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Tuesday 9 June 2015



Imagine spending an entire workday with your best friend at your side. You would with no doubt acknowledge his/her presence throughout the day by introducing him to your friends or business associates and talking to him/her about the various activities of the day. But how would your friend feel if you never talked to him or acknowledged his presence? Yet that’s how we treat the Lord when we fail to pray, read the Bible and talk to people about Him.The you would feel if you were with a friend who does not bother introducing you to his/her other friends, talk to you or notice you at all is exactly how God is when you do the same to/with Him. However, do not forget that it is God who uses us to bring people into His Kingdom and that is an Honour. But we must also be aware that He is perfectly capable of doing it without us anyway, in a sense of saying that even if you won't talk about Jesus to your friends, it doesn't necessarily mean that He is helpless.The take home message for evangelism is that you really can’t go too wrong. Be gentle and respectful (1 Pet 3:15-16), bold and courageous (Josh 1:9) and above all trust God to do the work (Zech 4:6). Think, pray, act and speak wisely. It’s hard, but in the end, the battle is God’s (Prov 21:31) and nobody can do anything to thwart God’s plan.


Monday 8 June 2015


“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will 
be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33).

In whatever you do, make sure that God is first. If you fully committed 
yourself to Him then you know what I am talking about. What God expects
 from His servants is crystal clear: "Do my will just as My Son did". As His 
servants we must be willing to live our lives based on making Him happy! 
Just as the Lord Jesus lived for His church, He expects His church to live for
 Him. But how? Through denying our personal goals and considering Him first 
in whatever we do.

The Lord Jesus is Lord only for those who serve Him. A servant of God must have 
His nature in order to be fit to serve Him and Put Him first, otherwise, it will be 
impossible. How can a person have God's nature? In the same way God is spirit, it
 is therefore vital that His children and servants also be spirit. This can only happen
 when a person is born of the Holy Spirit.

God Bless you all!